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Good Standing

By now all operators in the County should have submitted their conditional use permit and building permit applications. If you did not submit building permits and/or your conditional use permit the County will no longer consider you in “good standing”. If you are not in good standing at the County level you cannot continue operating. Be aware, the County will be conducting site visits and inspecting both building conditions and canopy size. In the event the County red tags the site, all cannabis operations will be forced to stop and there is a possibility plants will be cut down.

Another local requirement is the business registration form submittal. The business registration form reports to the County Tax Assessor your actual canopy size so you are not overtaxed to the full amount of your temporary state licenses. It is important to note that this form reports your square footage for the entire fiscal year. The County requires that you report the maximum amount for the entire year, despite whether or not that the canopy size fluctuates during that time period. In essence, the County is taxing you quarterly on the maximum amount of square footage you will have at any point in time throughout the year. The County’s fiscal year runs July 1 through June 30. The form can be found on the County’s cannabis website and it must be submitted to the County Tax Assessor in order to remain in good standing.

Jennifer Rosenthal is a local cannabis and criminal defense attorney. The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the author and does not reflect an official position of the Association.

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